The Rabbinically Approved Mikvah Calendar

Life is complicated. Mikvah calculations needn’t be.
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Key Features
Dates & Times
Accurately calculates dates & times automatically. Endorsed and utilized by Rabbonium, Chassan, and Kallah teachers worldwide.
Email & SMS Reminders
Automatically sends reminders for all of your important Taharat Hamishpachah dates & times.
Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chabad, & Chassidic Customs
Completely customizes calculations according to your traditions.
Ask the Rabbi
Connect with a Rabbi who specializes in Mikvah-related issues.
Intuitive Design
Simple and Clear. Just click on your start of flow and you are ready to go.
Proven Accuracy
Released in 2009, has demonstrated its correctness for over a decade.
Key Features
Dates & Times
Accurately calculates dates & times automatically. Endorsed and utilized by Rabbonium, Chassan, and Kallah teachers worldwide.
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Key Features
Email & SMS Reminders
Automatically sends reminders for all of your important Taharat Hamishpachah dates & times.
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Key Features
Ashkenaz, Sephardic, Chabad, & Chassidic Customs
Completely customizes calculations according to your traditions.
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Key Features
Ask the Rabbi
Connect with a Rabbi who specializes in Mikvah-related issues.
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Key Features
Intuitive Design
Simple and Clear. Just click on your start of flow and you are ready to go.
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Key Features
Proven Accuracy
Released in 2009, has demonstrated its correctness for over a decade.
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Cool, right? We have more!
  • Complex calculations programmed by MIT Alumni
    Advanced Kavuah (pattern) computations and reminders.
  • English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and Russian
    Available in multiple languages, is designed for cross cultural use.
  • Resources for the Jewish Marriage & Family
    Infertility? Mental Health Issues? Shalom Bayis Questions? Find resources to support your family during challenging times.
  • Mikvah Preparation Checklist
    Simplified list of what you'll need. You'll never forget a thing.
  • Estimated Ovulation Reminder
    Predict future ovulation dates based on the interval between previous flows.
  • Zmanim and Hebrew Date Automatically Calculated
    Using sunrise and sunset times for your location, calculates the Hebrew date and Onah.
  • Worldwide Accuracy
    Accommodates for various times zones so that your times are always correct
  • Women's Health Reminders
    We partnered with Sharsheret to send SMS reminders for crucial health screenings.
  • Contact Your Rabbi or Rebbetzin
    Easily email your dates and records Directly to your Rabbi or Rebbetzin if guidance is needed.
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Rabbis’ Approbations
Rabbi Mordecai Willig, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
אתר זה עוזר לנשים לשמור הלכות טהרת המשפחה בקלות, בקפדנות, ובצניעות. יה״ר שעל ידו תרבה הטהרה בישראל.
Rabbi Fishel Jacobs, Author of Chochmot HaTahara and Family Purity
“I feel that this site equals or exceeds the knowledge of many, perhaps most, teachers and those with expertise in these laws. I highly recommend Mikvah to all Jewish couples."
HaRav Yosef Carmel & HaRav Moshe Ehrenreich, Roshei Kollel Eretz Hemdah Institute of Advanced Jewish Studies
"The creators of Mikvah should be applauded for offering their expert services to present the main rabbinic opinions in this important area. People should be encouraged to use this site."
Rabbi Hillel Simon, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator Bet Din Zedek, London
"Great effort has been expended to bring Halachik accuracy to the site according to Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Chabad and other customs, the fruit of thousands of hours of study and consultation."
Rabbi Menachem Burstein, Founder Machon Puah
התכנה מתאימה לכללי ההלכה לפי השיטות המובאות בה ומסייעת בשמירת הטהרה בעם ישראל.
User Reviews And Testimonials
What are people saying
A Kallah Teacher, NY
I am a Kallah teacher. I must say that I am impressed with the site, and I send you compliments for what you are doing with Klal Yisroel and Brachos for Hatzlacha with your holy work. I especially like the different Halacha options you offer. I was able to punch the buttons for exactly the way my Rov holds. (Rabbi Forst in Far Rockaway).
Nathalie Loewenberg, Yoetzet Halacha, Israel
I have been using both for myself and as a Yoetzet Halacha, to help women understand these halachot. I love how easy it is to use while being perfectly accurate no matter what one's minhag is.
Chayie Chinn Taharas HaMishpacha Educator and Mikvah Manager
This app is a fabulous resource! I teach kallos how to use it, and also use it myself. I have found it to be accurate and easy to use. I highly recommend this app.
Mina Edry Rebbetzin and Kallah Teacher is an incredibly easy app to use. I give this app to many women who are not calculating correctly, and this app helps them keep the Mitzva correctly.
Rabbanit Shani Taragin, Yoetzet Halacha and Director of Matan Eshkolot & Morot Lehalacha
Mikvah Calendar has significantly facilitated the teaching and observance of hilchot Taharat HaMishpacha for countless couples worldwide!
Miriam Wolowik is exactly what technology was meant to be used for. It takes every single detail into consideration and is so user friendly. It has literally changed the way the new generation keeps track of this mitzvah!
Batsheva, Tel Aviv
Thank you for this wonderful program! It makes keeping the calendar fun.
Sherri, Cape Town
I just wanted to let you know how wonderful your website is and how much easier it has made my life! G- d bless you all for this amazing program.
Rachel, Teaneck
You have made it possible for me to truly keep Taharat Hamishpachah properly. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Shternie, Brooklyn
Hi! I absolutely love this web site. It is the best thing internet was ever used for!!
Kim, London
I just wanted to let you know that I have been a member of your website for almost 9 months. Before I joined I would forget to write things down or mess up on the calculations. My husband found out about your website and encouraged me to join. Since then it has been great. I get email reminders. I can look back on the calendar and see my history. I am so thrilled that you set up this website. It has really helped me a lot. Sincerely,

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Esti, Charlotte
I now realize that I have been going to the Mikvah one night too early since I’ve been married. I am only glad that now I can start keeping the laws of Mikvah at the correct time.
Sima, Kiev
It is phenomenal that I receive my reminders via SMS in the Ukraine! The technology is amazing.
Rabbi L., Jerusalem
Your website has allowed women who are becoming more observant later in their marriages to keep all of the intricate laws of Taharat Hamishpachah without overwhelming them. Yasher Koach!
All reviews
Mikvah Observance. Simplified.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Mikvah calendar?
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A tool to calculate and keep track of all dates and times related to Mikvah observance.
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